Cgrain Innovative Value Solution
Cgrain Value
Cgrain Value analyzes the quality of wheat, durum, barley, rye, triticale, oats, naked/dehulled oats and rice. It is useful for all businesses that handle grain, including mills, malt houses, grain traders, grain laboratories, gluten-free oat producers, seed breeders, and research and development. This technology can determine a number of quality parameters simultaneously.
Cgrain Value is designed to find unsound wheat kernels, identifying:
- Black Germ
- Broken Kernels
- Sprouted Kernels
- Moldy Kernels
- Kernels with Husks
- Fusarium
*It also finds foreign grains (oats, durum, barley, rye, weed), impurities such as plant and inorganic material, and ergot.
Cgrain Value it designed to find unsound durum kernels, identifying:
- Vitreous grain
- Broken grain
- Degerminated grain
- Blackpoint
- Fusarium
- Mottled grain
- Sprouted grain
- Green grain
- < 1.9 mm3 grain
*It also finds foreign grains (wheat, oats, barley, rye, weed), ergot, seeds and other extraneous matter.
Cgrain Value is designed to find unsound barley kernels, identifying:
- Skinned kernels
- Broken kernels
- Pink barley
*It also finds foreign grains (wheat, oats, durum, rye, weed), inorganic and organic material, and ergot.
Cgrain Value is designed to analyze Rye, identifying:
- Sound kernels
- Broken kernels
*It also finds foreign grains (oats, barley, wheat, weed), ergot and other foreign material.
Cgrain Value is designed to analyze oats, identifying:
- Double oats
- Green oats
- Broken dehulled oats
- Stained dehulled oats
*It also finds foreign grains (wheat, durum, rye, weed) and other impurities.
Naked/Dehulled Oats
Cgrain Value is designed to find unsound naked/dehulled oats, identifying:
- Broken dehulled oats
- Stained dehulled oats
*It also finds foreign grains (wheat, durum, rye, weed).
Cgrain Value is now FGIS approved for rice. It is designed to determine the quality of a medium rice sample, identifying:
- Good Rice
- Chalky rice
- Stained rice
- Light stained rice
- Heat damaged rice
- Green rice
- Cracked rice
- Paddy rice
*It further identifies foreign materials, seed and various varieties of rice (short, long, sweet and brown).
Cgrain Value’s AI technology, combined with its patented mirror design, allows it to inspect more than 90 percent of each kernel’s surface, leading to highly accurate results. Available measurements include size distribution, sieving analysis, color values and TKW (thousand kernel weight). Users can review the data, including images, graphs and statistics, with the ability to export in multiple formats.
Sample Images of Identified Grain Defects
The system includes:
Cgrain Value Instrument*
Portable 2T Hard Drive (for backup)
*Three USB ports and LAN capabilities included for remote support.
Contact Us For More Information
If you prefer to contact TAS by email, we can be reached at [email protected]